The Art of Sky Diving with Rudra Bhanu Solanki [#TBS Eps 10]

India’s youngest sky diving coach, Rudra Bhanu Solanki talks about sky diving, becoming a coach and building India’s premier sky diving company, Sky high India Ltd.

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Rudra Bhanu Solanki is India’s youngest sky diving coach, certified by the United States Parachute Association and a pioneer in the aerial sports industry. He is the founder of India’s premier sky diving company Sky High India, which offers both Tandem jumps and sky diving certification. Rudra has played a pivotal role in developing policy and regulatory framework around sky diving in India. He contributed to the Government of India, Ministry of Tourisms Policy for the conduct of Aero Sports (for Skydiving). His inputs also helped bring Skydiving under Aerial work category of DGCA (Director General of Civil Aviation) under Government of India. 


Important Questions from the episode – 

1. What got you hooked to skydiving? (4 min)

2. What convinced you to take up sky diving as a full time career? (5 min, 08 sec)

3. How did you convince your parents? (7 min, 20 Sec)

4. How did you learn sky diving & get certified as a coach? (8 min, 20 sec)

5. How much does it cost to become a sky diving coach? (13 min, 25 Sec)

6. How can someone coach you mid-air? (14 min, 32 sec)

7. How did you deal with the regulatory challenges? (19 min, 20 Sec)

8. How did you finance Skyhigh India? (23 min)

9. Are people interested in investing in Skydiving? & how do you convince them to invest? (24 min, 32 sec)

10. How did you build your skydiving team? (26 min, 32 sec)

11. Specific questions about different kinds of sky diving. (30 min, 50 sec)

12. What are your source of income? (36 min, 50 sec)

13. How do you ensure safety and security of sky divers? (38 min, 49 sec)

14. How can anyone learn sky diving in India? (41 min, 13 sec)

15. How has the skydiving scene changed since you started? (41 min, 58 sec)

16. How does it feel after 270 Jumps? (44 min, 39 sec)

17. Are there any sky diving communities in India? (47 min, 50 sec)

18. 3 Big Take aways (51 min, 51 sec)

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Links related to Rudra Bhanu Solanki

1. Sky High India 

2. Email ID –

3. Skyhigh on Insta 

4. Skyhigh on Facebook 

5. Skyhigh on Youtube 

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